Saturday, January 7, 2012

What's the Difference Between a Steam Generator Iron and a Regular Iron?

!±8± What's the Difference Between a Steam Generator Iron and a Regular Iron?

The name is a bit of a giveaway, is it not? Steam irons and steam generator irons must produce steam, right?

Lots of people believe that a steam generator iron is just the new name for a steam iron but this is not actually the case. Yes, it's true that both types of irons produce steam and do the job of removing unwanted creases out of your clothes but, beyond that, there are many variations in the way they work.

Let's take a look at some of the differences:

The most obvious physical distinction between a steam iron and a steam generator iron is the size and design of each. Whereas a traditional iron is really a self-contained, hand-held unit plugging directly into an electric socket, a steam generator iron is greater in dimensions and consists of 2 parts - the body which is the hand-held iron, and also the other part which will be the base unit. A tube connects the iron to the base unit and the base is then attached to the electricity socket.

The boiler of the steam generator iron is housed in the separate base unit and this is where the water is stored and heated. The steam then travels towards the sole plate of iron through the tube which connects the hand-held iron part to the base unit.

We are able to see how both kinds of iron look different, but they are there any differences with regards to actually with them? Yes, there are - One of the main differences is the fact that a steam generator iron is capable of producing a lot more steam than the usual, traditional steam iron and it's this vast amount of steam which allows you to quickly get your ironing done in a shorter period than it would normally take.

You can compare using a steam generator iron to using a power washer when cleaning your vehicle - both are powerful and make completing a task much easier. If you then compare using a traditional steam iron to cleaning your car having a standard hose-pipe, both can get the jobs done but, if you want to make life easier on your own, you might want to choose the stronger tool. This should make lighter work of the chores and accelerate the process of having your ironing done.

Obviously, these aren't the only differences between your 2 types of iron. I've pointed these out as being the most apparent physical and mechanical differences but there are others too.

What's the Difference Between a Steam Generator Iron and a Regular Iron?

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Sunday, January 1, 2012

Steam Your Way to the Best Clothes Iron

!±8± Steam Your Way to the Best Clothes Iron

Have you ever been ironing a shirt and found it so difficult to use the clothes iron that the shirt ended up looking worse than when you began? For years, irons were heavy, flat tools that could either create smooth, wrinkle free clothes or with one misstep they could press a deep wrinkle into your clothes. Today there are so many clothes irons on the market that you can find one that is easy to use and that will make ironing a chore that you do not dread. It is all about finding an iron that makes your job easier.

Steam Irons

Steam clothes irons are an amazing invention. Instead of relying on the heat of the actual clothes iron, these irons rely on the heat of the steam. This makes it much easier to maneuver the clothes iron and gives you great control over the tool as you use it.

Most people would agree that a steam iron is a far better tool than one without steam. They allow you to have more control and they press out wrinkles with ease. With that in mind there are certain features in a steam iron that you should look for to find the best clothes iron.

Features to Look For

You know to look for a steam clothes iron, but there are many options in steam irons, so you need to look for more than just the steam feature. One thing about steam irons is that they need to have water to produce the steam. So, look for an iron that lets you add water easily. Nothing can be as frustrating as having a small hole to pour the water into so that you end up getting it all over the place and having to wait for the water to dry before you can continue with ironing your clothes.

The next thing to look for is a non-stick coating on the iron. This helps it to glide across fabric and not stick. It also adds an element of protection that keeps the fabric safe and will help make ironing go much faster.

Function is a big thing with an iron, so make sure the iron you choose has a swivel cord. A cord that gets in the way can be annoying, slow you down and can even hinder your ability to get a difficult piece ironed. A swivel cord lets the cord fall around your work area and keeps it out of the way.

Finally, you need to make sure that the iron has variable temperatures. It helps if it has a digital temperature control. This will allow you to have good control over the temperature which is essential in ironing clothes. You do not want your iron to be too hot or too cool because it will not get you the result you desire. A digital control takes the guess work out and allows you to easily adjust the temperature for different types of fabrics.

Finding the best clothes iron is not too difficult in today's market. You have so many options and choices that it is rather easy to find the perfect clothes iron to suit your needs. Keep the above things in mind when choosing your next clothes iron so you are sure to find the best clothes iron.

Steam Your Way to the Best Clothes Iron

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